Cons Of Non-Traditional Families

Traditional families have always been seen as the bedrock of society, a tradition that is needed for a secure future for the coming generations. It has usually been defined as a married couple and their children. However in recent decades, in many places around the world non-traditional families have become socially accepted and mainstream. Non-traditional families come in many forms, such as sing parenthood families, LGBT families, cohabitation and polygamy.

Cons of Non-traditional families

With the rise of non-traditional families, especially in the West, the disadvantages of such a setup have been documented. Research has been conducted into this, and there have been many striking correlations discovered between non-traditional families and many societal ills. However even within non-traditional families, different types of cons are associated with different forms of non-traditional families.


The rates of crime of people born into non-traditional families are significantly higher than those born into traditional families. Those most affected amongst non-traditional families are those who come from single parent households, which are mostly headed by mothers in the Western world. In general, people who come from single parent households are nine times more like to commit a crime than those who come from a traditional family household. In the UK, for example, there is a huge cost incurred for this to the tune of £100 billion, and it is the same elsewhere around the world.

Many reasons for the high rate of crime amongst those who come from single parent families have been given. Research has been done which shows that father figures are better at instilling discipline in children, than mothers who are more nurturing. Fathers also reduce stress on mothers and offer more economic stability.

Children who grow up in single parent households are also more likely to witness domestic violence, according to research. In the 2011-2012 National Survey of Children’s Health, children under the age of 17 were asked if they had experienced any physical violence between parents or guardians and another adult. In children from married household the rate was 19 per 1000 children, but amongst children from single parent households this rate was 144.


Education of children raised in single parent families is also lacking compared to those raised in traditional ones. In lesbian relationships, where the couple has adopted a boy, it has been noted that their education suffers greatly, because they are not exposed to any male role models since there are so few male teachers in schools. Likewise, the same occurs for children raised by single mothers.

Statistics and many studies show the disadvantages of non-traditional families, and the effects it has on children. Many reasons have been proposed for why this is the case, although there is no concrete solution as of yet.

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