Aztec Civilization

Aztec is a region in the central Mexico. Aztecs were a pre-Colombian Mesoamerican people of central Mexico in the 14th, 15th and 16th century. It was remarkably rich in mythological and religious traditions, artistic and architectural works. The culture and history of Aztec is known from various sources such as archeological evidences in excavations, eyewitness accounts in Spain mainly written by Spanish clergy and literate Aztecs of the times and the other being indigenous bark papers codices.

Power and Ways of life

There also existed the Aztec empire basing its power in Tenochtitlan and later extending throughout Mesoamerica. Although it extended power through both trade and military power, Aztec empire did not use military strength to be in control of the economy but rather by ruling the conquered cities friendly and building marriage alliances among the dynasties. They also extended imperial ideologies to the client states and made them pay tribute to them. They made their clients depend on them for luxury goods having economic strategies that limited communication and trade between them and their neighbors such that they had to depend on them.

Aztecs had two social classes, peasantry and nobility. The noble class commonly known as pillis had easier access to resources and education. The sons of the nobles were in a better position to become pillis too themselves. Nobility was also an eventual reward of war abilities of the warriors with ranks accorded with regard to how many prisoners one had taken. Slavery was different from that in European colonies. Slaves’ children were free, they could own properties and slaves of their own. The slaves however bought liberty or were set free if they showed that they had been mistreated or those who performed outstandingly to their master before his death.

Education ideals

There were two educational institutions in Aztec. One of the institutions taught religion, history, trade and military arts which made it preferable to the common people since they could be able to rise to the noble class. The other one taught rituals, poetry, reading of songs and calendar all focused on raising leaders, priests and scholars.

Boys and girls were admonished for things relevant to their later life roles in the society. Boys were brought up to be humble and hardworking. Girls were taught skills relevant to home based chores like child-raising. Opportunities were also there for those who had talents. These were chosen from dances and ball games.

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