Simple Guidelines For Writing An Effective Argumentative Essay

Whether you take a literature class, history class, or a math class, your instructor will assign an argumentative essay. This means you will need to learn how to write for any topic under any conditions. Some instructors will give you several days to craft your writing projects and some will want them finished in less than an hour. Here are some simple guidelines to write effectively:

  • Know the format. Every argumentative essay has the same format. The first section includes the introduction. The middle includes the body paragraphs and the end includes the conclusion. The introduction and conclusion need only be one paragraph each, but the body paragraph section should have at least three long paragraphs, if not more.
  • Write a clever introduction. The introduction is your first chance to show the reader what you are arguing and the tone you are going to take. The hook is the best place to convey the tone. You can be serious with a historic quote, funny with a series of questions, or you can even have a neutral tone. The end of the introduction should include the thesis, but you will need to transition into it with transition sentences.
  • Use topic sentences. The body paragraphs require topic sentences so the reader gets a preview of what you will be arguing and supporting in each paragraph. Without topic sentences, your paragraphs will not have a focus and you will have difficulty sticking to any topic at all. Your readers will be confused and your argument will be ineffective. Good topic sentences refer directly back to the thesis, but use synonyms to offer variety in word choice.
  • Conclude with power. A strong conclusion has a format, too. This paragraph should begin with a restatement of the thesis, using different words that convey the same meaning. The middle of the conclusion should include a restatement of the main points. Then, the ending should reflect the hook. So, if you used a quote, you can end with a similar one. If you asked questions, you can answer them.
  • Revise and edit, for real. Students often claim to revise and edit, but they do not really do it. Read through your paper mindfully, using a one-foot voice so you can actually hear the mistakes. You can correct them as you go, or mark them and return to them when you are finished with the reading.

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